EN - Documentation on terminal iex
2020, Apr 29
To enter on a elixir terminal you can run:
$ iex
Then, to show documentation of a specific function you can use h like that example:
$ h round/1
# => def round(number)
# => @spec round(number()) :: integer()
# => guard: true
# => Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
# => If the number is equidistant to the two nearest integers, rounds away from zero.
# => Allowed in guard tests. Inlined by the compiler.
## Examples
iex> round(5.6)
# => 6
iex> round(5.2)
# => 5
iex> round(-9.9)
# => -10
iex> round(-9)
# => -9
iex> round(2.5)
# => 3
iex> round(-2.5)
# => -3
In this case, round/1 is a function called round that recieves an argument/arity.